Saturday, September 25, 2010

EA determined to beat Activision and its Call of Duty

EA's Medal of Honor franchise hasn’t got the kind of response over the past few years as Activision’s Call of Duty series has. Activision's CoD has continuously any and all contenders in the first-person shooter war genre, year-after-year.

This is not going well with EA; and it wants to overtake the Call of Duty franchise,no matter what. But for obvious reasons,EA underlining that that the process will take some time.

EA emphasised two of its best guns; Battlefield, which sold very well this spring and came close to outperforming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, in some countries.

Notably, Activision has its share of failures too. Its Infinity Ward performed like a dud and collapsed earlier this year. But still EA has to work hard to beat Activision, whose Call of Duty: Black Ops is doing pretty well.